Saturday, 25 December 2021

Goyder Girl Terry L Probert


She's living on the margin

Educated by the seasons, tempered by the dust

The farm split, by Goyder's bloody line

A line to determine your fortune, your fate

Not something in a good season you see

But in a drought year, it's heart breaking it's there

Everything withers, only tough will survive

We have money to lend, the banker will say

Invest in more machinery, more diesel, and spray

We have faith in the farmer, his will and resolve

But if it don't rain

Our umbrella of faith, we'll rip soon away.


She's living on the margins

And because of a line that exists 

Once seen in an old surveyor's mind

Her tender young hands now grip like steel

Working two jobs on which they rely

Cause straddling the Goyder

The bank needs to see a steady income

For a farm to get by