CAPTAINS LOG 22nd February 2019
Sorry for the delay in this weekly report but it’s been one of those weeks.
So, on Wednesday, Terry was back, which is great, there was an apology from Kristen who is under the weather, Julee, Tracey, Sonia and Janeen were on deck. I had an appointment with the fang farrier, so I missed most of Julee’s critique, arriving just in time to hit her with mine.
Julee’s re-write is coming on very well, with very little to comment on. She’s hoping to have it finished by the end of the year and the way she’s going I feel she is well on track.
Then it was my turn. I submitted a short story I’d adapted as the first chapter of a new book. I took a well-deserved canning and am unsure whether to continue on with it or not. I’ll submit my second chapter to see if the book has any merit and then I’ll make up my mind from there.
My thanks to everyone for their well thought out comments and suggestions, a great help as always and much appreciated.
Next week, Janeen and Terry will be giving a combined workshop on publishing. Both have experiences which will prove invaluable to the rest of us, so it will be interesting and enlightening. I hope everyone can be there to support them.
Just a reminder that our first theme day will be held on the 13th of March.
Writing genre: Romance - Maximum of 500 words - Beginning, Middle, Satisfactory end - No parts, or characters, from stories you are writing or have previously written to be used- No first drafts, polished, competition ready.
Don’t leave it until the last minute because you think you have plenty of time, start now and be happy with what you’ve written.
Finished pieces should be sent to me no later than the Sunday prior to the day.
I hope to see you all next Wednesday.
Until then, ‘Live long and prosper.