Monday, 24 October 2016

Five Challenges When Shifting FromTraditional to Self Publishing

This link came into our inbox today and it makes good reading for writers unsure of which type of publishing works best for them.

Please leave a comment with what has been successful for you.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Offset Sixteen Launch - by Les Stillman

Julee and I attended the Offset Sixteen launch last night. Both she and Matthew had their stories published in the book.
Matthew was already there looking quite dapper dressed in chinos, shirt and jacket. He was standing aloof and intelligent his head cocked slightly to the side. Well, we thought he was aloof, but in reality he was waiting for the bar to open, listening for the tinkle of glasses – more shattered illusions.

We had a great chat and a drink with Matthew before we separated to mingle.
Matthew was in his element and it was fun watching him flit around meeting old friends and colleagues. As Yoda, would say, ‘Hmmm, popular our young Matthew is.’
Once the crowd poured in and we had a drink in our hand we started to mingle.
Julee’s shoes hurt her feet, so she had to sit down and wait for visitors. Of course, they flocked to her in abundance and she had a great time chatting with some interesting people. Jessi, the young girl we’d dealt with throughout, swept Julee away introducing her to the other girls on her team, all who wanted to tell her how much they loved her story.
I, on the other hand, had no restrictions. I slipped amongst the crowd looking for interesting people, forcing them to talk to me so I could bore them to death.
It was a most interesting group, full of very colourful characters. I must say, everyone I spoke to was delightful. I had a lovely chat with a girl who sported bright blue hair and dark blue lipstick. She was very nice.
Anyway, back to the crowd. My favourite was a little lady who looked like a lollipop stick. I say this in the nicest way I might add. She was dressed in the colours of a rainbow, with leggings over her pants, a neck scarf and a bandanna holding back a bird’s nest of hair with things sticking out of it. She had a bright, intelligent face with huge glasses and she also carried a walking/sitting stick, equally colourful as her dress. Somehow, it all came together and worked. I had a great long chat with her and she was a delight. An artist of course, who had one of her pieces on display. It was modernistic and stimulating.

Anyway, having said all that. It was a great night, we had fun and more to the point, I’m very proud of both Julee and Matthew for winning and grinning.